
“This training is unusual in the extent to which it made me think differently”

This is one of our most frequently received comments.

HS Consultancy is largely recognised as one of the most impactful training providers in England in the field of equity, antiracism, unconscious bias, equity and decolonisation, with the mental health specific and broader health and social care sector.

Training courses provided are:


Antiracism and Antiracist practice

A participatory course that delves into the history and legacy of racism as an ideology and systemic and structural process, distinct from racial discrimination.


Migration, Immigration and Mental Health

Understanding why and how people travel and the consequences of the causes, the journey and arrival in a new place.

Clarifies the legal status and terminology in relation to migration and forced travel and covers practice issues such as no recourse to public funds, trauma, dissociation, suicide and resilience.  Work is located within a socio-political critique.


An Introduction to Mental Health

An introductory level course for people needing an understanding of mental health, psychiatry and the mental health sector.  Supports learning about the processes of diagnosis; the most common diagnosis; typical service structures; commonly used sections of the current Mental Health Act and its relationship with the Mental Capacity Act.  A reflexive course.

Religion, faith and spirituality in mental health

Enhancing knowledge and understanding about the different terms and how religion, faith and spirituality affect the experiences of service users and the perceptions of mental health professionals.

This course locates faith in a historical context, with a post enlightenment focus on reason and how this interrelates with paradigms in modern psychiatry.

Leading Diverse Organisations and Teams

The role of leaders in setting values, based on self reflection and self awareness.  Drawing on theoretical frameworks around Emotional Intelligence, Appreciative Inquiry and Dialogue (David Bohm) and managing complexity. Led by Hári Sewell & Dr Karen Linde.

Taking Account of Ethnicity, Race and Culture in Mental Health Act Assessments

Exploring perceptions from different points of view, the history of the concept of race and the history of the psychiatric diagnosis formation.

A focus on how there is often more social utility of these concepts (race & diagnosis).

Exploration of narrative approaches and explanatory models and the centrality of relationships.  Pivots on a powerful case study with significant group work.

Critical Psychiatry

Whilst accepting that psychiatry offers benefits for many people this course critiques the reliability, validity and usefulness of some key elements, namely: diagnosis, psychopharmacology, psychiatric research and family based genetic studies.


Unconscious bias in recruitment / Unconscious bias in organisations

Understanding the psychological processes that lead to unconscious biases.  An exploration of the hidden nature of unconscious bias and supporting delegates towards an emphatic grasp of the need for safeguards in organisational policy.  A dynamic and participatory course.


Unconscious bias in health and social care practice

As above, with focused work using a practice-based case study to help delegates experience unconscious biases as they often emerge in practice.

Cultural Formulations

A workshop that explores the universal impact of culture in people’s lives and acknowledges that it is impossible to learn everything about another culture as a means of providing useful pointers for practice.

Cultural formulations draw from an anthropological approach and facilitates practitioner awareness of their own cultural influences and cultural humility in relation to others.

Against this background, delegates are trained in using cultural formulations, i.e. evidence based frameworks for incorporating culture into clinical assessments in mental health.

Positively Managing Tensions in Multi-ethnic Teams

Explores the lack of absolutes at times (in terms of defining what is acceptable) and highlights the benefit to managers from actively naming tensions and differences.

Provides frameworks for using conversations about these differences and tensions in a transformative way.

Young Black Men and Mental Health

A specific focus on the evidence base around how inequalities affect this social group and how asset-based approaches with individuals and communities can change the nature of the relationships between them and services.

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